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What Is Clean Eating? 4 Reasons to Transform Your Diet Today!

Updated: Feb 20, 2022

Research[1] has proved that women who adhered to clean eating practices ate more healthy and nutritious food than women who never or rarely adhered to such practices.

At Prodigious Training, we aim to promote healthy eating practices so you can always stay in the best shape.

Don’t know about Clean Eating? Well, the term is quite self-explanatory.

What Does Clean Eating Mean?

“Eating clean, healthy, nutritious, and minimally processed foods is called Clean Eating.”

Clean eating is based on the idea that your lifestyle and health should be built around a healthy diet. The main idea behind Clean Eating is to avoid processed foods, prepared and packaged foods, foods that typically contain too much sodium, sugar, artificial sweeteners, and preservatives.

The Health Benefits of Eating Clean:

- Sustaining a High Level of Energy throughout the Day

According to a journal[1] published in The Nutrients, a clean and healthy diet will help you feel energetic and better concentrate and mental balance.

- Significantly Improved Food Digestion

Since you prefer healthy and clean foods and avoid unhealthful and processed foods, your body does not have to process preservatives, supplements, and other harmful substances found in processed foods. Therefore, the digestive system is strengthened, and abdominal bloating is reduced.

- Clean Eating Creates Balance

An unhealthy diet is often responsible for mood swings and even the release of the stress hormone cortisol. However, if you give your body what it needs, it will let you feel it too. You feel alive, balanced, and happier.

üImmunity Against Serious Diseases

Research[2] states that obesity, high levels of sugar and lipids in the blood, and hypertension are the primary causes of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Adherence to a clean and healthy diet significantly reduces the risk of developing these diseases.

Wrapping Up!

In conclusion, the best approach is to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet. You will feel better due to the dietary changes in your life. Your overall well-being will improve, and you will feel healthier and more vital.

Join hands with Prodigious Training and become the best version of yourself!

[1] Ambwani, S., Sellinger, G., Rose, K. L., Richmond, T. K., & Sonneville, K. R. (2020). “It’s healthy because it’s natural.” Perceptions of “clean” eating among US adolescents and emerging adults. Nutrients, 12(6), 1708. [2] Petrie, J. R., Guzik, T. J., & Touyz, R. M. (2018). Diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease: clinical insights and vascular mechanisms. Canadian Journal of Cardiology, 34(5), 575-584.

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